Help a banished warrior to defeat the evil warlord and avenge the murder of his master and family.
Help a young boy complete his training to get revenge from his fathers death.
Help end the Vietnam War before it starts.
Help Rieland, the young warrior take revenge for all the doings of the cruel tyrant.
Help Static Shock to fly through the city and destroy the swarm of Microbots.
Infiltrate the enemy base, steal their flag and return it to yours while shooting down enemies in the warthog.
Japanese style ant samurai warriors fighting game.
Jump into your spacecraft, and fire your lasers at enemy space fighters, blow them up and get ready to face the boss.
Jump with the girl and boy on a platform to pick up the fruits.
Kill as many ninja warriors as possible without dieing.
Move your tank around with the arrow keys. Position the turret, change velocity, and fire your cannon.
Place down your numbered soldiers in this strategy warlike othello type game. Take over armies - the most armies controlled wins.
Place your blobs or jump them to convert enemy blobs and win.
Play a game of global thermonuclear war select country to wage war on and attack pattern.
Rotate your turret and shoot down the invading robots, creatures and people coming towards you.
Shoot down Iraqis, tanks, and everything you see using AK Machine guns.
Shoot down the crazed rabid wart hogs using a pistol, shotgun or rocket launcher before they escape.
Shoot down this terrible leader but don't hit those active warheads.
Shoot down troopers firing their AK 47s at you shoot at tanks and helicopters.
Shoot up the opponent UFO using your lasers but avoid crashing into stray asteroids.
Soar through levels at warp speed, shoot energy bolts at enemies and destroy them with melee attacks.
Steal expensive cars and drop them at the warehouse in 60 seconds without getting caught!
The final part of the thrilling series! Can Mario get his revenge against Wart?
The most advanced tank war game ever.
This is a role cards turn based game in which you use different cards for different outcomes.
Throw snowballs at passers by and hit them before they get you back.
Welcome to
Nobleflash founded in October 2006. It has been our mission to upkeep this game site to the excellence, at least a new game is added to the site everyday for the pleasure of all players.
Up to this point, we have collected 3000 games and more. All the games have been proved test and modified to the best satisfaction of our honorable players.
As time goes by, we have grown up from a young child to an adult, and the games have transformed from some simple designed games to professional gorgeous interactive games.
The games offered here are just simply for relaxation. You don't need to spare too many time for the joyfulness of the games. All the games here are free, even free from installation hassle.
Some of you may find your sweet old buddies here, like the classic series of Mario Bros games, street fighter series such as Tetris, Street Fighter, Metal Slug, Raiden, Sonic Gear and more. Some other games are developed from movies. As the games creativity and innovation roll over the time, you can find a lot of great memories through the games. Nobleflash is really a good site to spend time at.
All the content of the games have been screened through thoroughly. You won't find any negative aspect, porny stuff or gambling game here. Parents, you are assured that this is a safe game site for your kids. On the other hand, the kids will learn up reaction skill and creativity when playing these games. Kids who love playing games won't go nasty.